2023-09-23 17:32:03 -04:00

12 lines
1,001 B

This repository contains the code for my personal site, hosted at []( I periodically make updates to it when I want to include new information or try out a new frontend technology.
# Building
"Building" the site such that it can be deployed is simple. Clone the repository, add the relevant font(s) and large file(s), and compile the tailwindCSS.
## Fonts
Obtain the file [ioseevka_ter_regular.ttf]( put it in the fonts folder. Obtain any large files omitted from the repository (currently just mushrooms.jpg) and put them in the project root folder.
## Tailwind
[Install TailwindCSS]( (site most recently built with v3.3.3) with npm if you haven't already. Compile the CSS with the following terminal command.
npx tailwindcss -i ./css/theme.css -o ./css/theme-compiled.css
Open index.html and the site should look as it does at [](